And, as with so many of our how-to guides, it’s easy if you know where to look. Rename the files and add the files suffix .jpg to the end of their names. You’ll be presented with a plethora of file names that make absolutely no sense and show no extensions. Because this option does...Read More
As Microsoft has released Windows 11 on 24th June 2021, Windows 10 and Windows 7 users want to upgrade their system with Windows 11. As of now, Windows 11 is a free upgrade and everyone can upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 for free. You should have some basic knowledge while upgrading your windows....Read More
If Toby isn’t writing, he’s probably reading a book or playing video games. The scrolling screenshot feature allows you to take a screenshot of multiple pages, all mashed into one very tall picture. In addition, Snip & Sketch allows you to take a delayed screenshot on Windows. You can choose between 3-, 5- and 10-second...Read More